Topic 1:  Lesson 5 —
Organ Donor Program

Your decision to become a donor absolutely will not interfere with your health care.
Health care professionals must follow very strict guidelines before death can be

Brain death is the irreversible
and complete cessation of all

pronounced and organs and tissues removed.  The physician must carefully reviews
the medical history and performs a series of physical exams and tests to determine if
the brain is no longer working.  When the brain is no longer working but the heart is
still beating, the condition is termed brain death.  When brain death is declared, it
means the person has died.

brain and brain stem function.
This means the brain is no longer
working in any capacity and
never will again.  

Other organs, such as the heart,
kidneys, liver, will still work for a

Federal and state laws require hospitals to offer the option of donation to families.  
Potential donors are screened for communicable diseases, such as HIV and

short time if the breathing
machine is left in place.

hepatitis.  Donating organs and tissues generally does not delay funeral
arrangements, nor does it disfigure the body.  An open-casket funeral is still
possible following organ and tissue donation.

New NC Organ Donor Law Starts October 1, 2007

For years, state residents have been able to state their intent to be organ donors when they obtained or renewed driver's
licenses.  But permission of next of kin was still needed for the donation to take place.  In 2007, the legislature rewrote

state law to recognize that stated intent as legally binding.  North Carolina residents who wish to donate their organs
after their death will now have more assurance that their wishes will be respected.  For years, NC organ donors have
been able to have a red heart placed of their drivers license to indicate their intent.  Effective October 1, 2007 a donors'
intent will be legally binding, meaning that, theoretically at least, family members cannot override a donor's  decision.

The changes in organ donor law highlights the importance of family discussion and the need to understand each
member’s views and feelings about organ and tissue donation.  It is essential to explain to the members of your family

why you are thinking about becoming a donor and ask them how they feel about donation.  Keep in mind that helping
others through donation could be a comfort to your family in the event of your death.  All major religions support

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